I am Camila Duitama González, a PostDoc in the Sequence Bioinformatics group from Institut Pasteur under the supervision of Dr. Rayan Chikhi.
I did my PhD under the supervision of Dr. Rayan Chikhi, Dr. Hugues Richard and Dr. Riccardo Vicedomini on the development of contamination assessment and contamination removal of ancient metagenomic data using machine learning applied to k-mer profiles. My job is funded by the Paris AI Research Institute (PRAIRIE)
I did a MSc in Life Science Informatics at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn and a B. Eng in Biological Engineering at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia in Medellín.
In my free time I listen and dance to salsa or enjoy decolonial, anticapitalist and feminist artwork and readings